Tuesday 1 December 2009

Tuesday 1st December 2009

It's nearly Christmas!
So today was that day where upon waking up, you open the first box on the advent calendar and smile to yourself because the chocolate has the exact same taste as it did last year (and every year before that). It's actually quite worrying because it's only 24 days until Christmas, which is only a little bit more than three weeks away and I'm not feeling the slightest bit festive. Maybe I should bring some tinsel into school and try and spruce P1 up a bit? Get that Christmassy vibe goin' daaan.
Wow, this is actually a really good song - Twenty Years, by Augustana if anyone cares! Quite sad though. For some reason, sad songs always seem to be the most satisfying - but that might just be because they appeal to my somewhat sarcastic and miserable nature, ha ha. CHRIST it's hot in my bedroom tonight - I blame you, central heating! There's always a day on which my mum decides it has finally reached a cold enough temperature to merit putting on the central heating, and then it comes on every day without fail to turn our house into one big oven guaranteed to make my face flush and me to feel uncomfortable.
So, I wrote that like two hours ago? ^ Maybe more? I get distracted easily, ha ha. I'm so not in the writing mood any more, although I don't think I quite ever got there in this post - I adopted that good old frame of mind: 'I'm not very good at this so maybe if I just keep going eventually the quantity will, in some warped way, equal a marginally high quality of writing'. It's how I approach all of my essays.

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to feel christmassy, I think the freezing cold temperatures are helping. It was -2 degrees when i left the house this morning! Damn you Scotland!
    I've put my 'winter duvet' on my bed. I also went to poundland to sniff tinsel today. I unfortunately do not have an advent calendar, I miss that chocoloate...
    Plans for Chrissymas?
