Sunday 6 December 2009

Sunday 6th December 2009

Has time ever gone this quickly before in my life?
December's going to be half way over in about a week and then it's pretty much the new year - seems like only a couple of weeks ago it was summer! Been looking through some old photos & I miss summer alooot. Weird how much I miss the sun, even though Winter is by far my favourite season (and my favourite weather)!
So yeaaah. Apart from being all nostalgic and thoughtful, not that much to really write in here. I really want to start taking some more photos, but the weather and lgihting are so momentously poor it's going to have to be either indoors, or using flash. And flash does not work well with scenery. So, the photo front is looking pretty bare. ):
Today we had another little tutoring session thing with Ed, to help us with our media. Very helpful! Can't wait for the whole thing to be finished, (not that I wanna rush it!) I just really think it has a chance of being good and it's the first film-ish project I've ever done so naturally I'm gonna be proud of our ideas and hard work. I hope all goes well! Should really be in bed, but I'm having quite a nice relaxing evening doing nothing which I want to stretch out as long as possible before the hectic school life starts again. My room is a complete state at the moment, and Sian stayed over last night so there's a ranodm mattress on the floor which I'm currently sitting on. It's very comfy and makes me wish that my entire floor was made out of mattress material hahaa - how cool would that be?
Been noticing a lot of underhand nastiness recently, people seem to enjoy using facebook as a medium to flaunt their snide comments. It's petty! So, I think I want my hair cut? What do you all think? I miss it being shorter though, so much easier to manage and after a certain point I swear my hair just gives up trying hahaa. Who knows. So anyway, heard some of the new songs from the 30 Seconds to MArs album earlier, beautiful, of course! Very excited to be seeing them live in February, it's going to be a good night! I suppose I should be going to bed now, before I ramble myself into another very late nigth and horrible, angry morning. This is about the point where I discover a load of homework that I haven't done that's meant to be in in the morning. Oh dear. These things have happened before!

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