Wednesday 25 November 2009

Wednesday 25th November 2009

Wow, a blog!
So, I've decided to start a blog (decided literally meaning being told over & over again by Chanti to make a blog & post things in it daily. A certain amount of praise is deserved for this though, because after a long discussion about the hopelessness of my future she somehow managed to make it seem like starting a blog was the solution to all of my career and finance orientated worries). Okay I'm one sentence into this thing & I already know what my problem is going to be: long rambling sentences that make full use of brackets, commas and dashes and that make little sense when read aloud. And then the ones that do make sense, will amount to a sum of useless information of little interest. Ah well. Maybe somehow, my sprawling and disorganized thought chain will appeal to the browsers of the web & give me an illusion of 'charm'. I know it's a long shot, but I'm already finding this strangely therapeutic.
Just noticed a clever little function - 'autosaving'. wow, things have come on a bit from my days of ranting through the medium of 'livejournal'. No autosaving there, & I could list the amount of times I'd pour all of my frustration into a freakishly long post about nothing, only for my computer to have some kind of techno-spasm and delete the entire thing. Oh, there it goes again! Every two minutes no less. Ingenious.

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